


環境省中部山岳国立公園管理事務所(TEL 0263-94-2024)

☆Currently closed for the winter.

When Kamikochi is closed (usually from November 16th to April 16th of the following year), the Sawando National Park gate will also be closed. We will not be able to respond to inquiries while the museum is closed. Whole winter season The Kamikochi area is completely mountainous. Climbing a mountain requires a considerable amount of experience and sufficient equipment. When entering the mountain, please submit a mountain climbing notification and take all possible precautions to avoid accidents.
◇Contact information (limited to emergencies, etc.; we cannot answer inquiries regarding tourist information, mountain weather, mountain climbing route information, etc.)
Ministry of the Environment Chubu Mountains National Park Management Office (TEL 0263-94-2024)




☆We look forward to seeing many of you. Of course foreign tourists. For that reason, we are also working on multilingualization of exhibition explanations. We will improve the exhibits in the museum to convey useful information to more people in an easy-to-understand manner.

◎沢渡ナショナルパークゲートとは?What is Sawando National Park Gate?

▽What is Sawando National Park Gate? Why is it here?←Click for details

▽what is there?←Click for details

◎新着情報(new arrival information)
※Sorry, currently we don’t have English pages about new arrival information.

★「Kita Alps Traverse Route」

◇信州松本と飛騨高山の両市街地を結ぶ横断ルート「Kita Alps Traverse Route」には、中部山岳国立公園を世界水準のナショナルパークとしてブランド化していくという、環境省や松本市・高山市そして地域の多くの皆様の思いが込められています。4月29日より、沢渡ナショナルパークゲート館内においてそのコンセプトをお伝えする展示を開始いたしました。

◇松本高山Big Bridge構想実現プロジェクトカンファレンス『Share the 未来図 2023』の様子は中部山岳国立公園南部地域のYouTubeにおいてご覧いただけます。
